Client Testimonials

“Thank you all for making my daughter’s party fun and special. All the kids really enjoyed it and for her it was the party ‘of her life!”

“My son has been attending scouts for the past 4 years, however, he did not do 1/4 of the activities he did with you this summer. I could see in his eyes how enthusiastic he was in describing yesterday’s experience.”

“Thank you all for making my daughter’s party fun and special. All the kids really enjoyed it and for her it was the party ‘of her life!”

“It is very rare for my son to look forward to participate in events, he really used to look forward to Whiz activities and wouldn’t have wanted to spend Saturday afternoons elsewhere”

“Konna qed infittxu xi ħaġa fejn it-tifla tista tintegra ma’ tfal oħra barra mill-iskola, fejn tista titgħallem, tiddeverti u tagħmel affarijiet li tant jgħoġbuha.”

“Whiz Team Adventure ~ where I suggest you send them in summer! They get to experience outdoor activities rather than staying at home playing video games or attending private lessons.”

“Ħadt gost ħafna nagħmel avventuri li minn dejjem xtaqt nagħmilhom u tgħallimt li m’għandi naqta’ qalbi qatt u nkun kuraġġuża meta jkolli l-opportunità “

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