Whiz Limited Terms & Conditions




  1. The ‘Company’ refers to Whiz Limited, a Limited Liability Company (Company

registration Number C 71655) Registered Office 38/8 Mark Apartments, Triq Karm Zerafa, Birkirkara, Malta.

  1. The ‘Organisers’ refers to the organisers of the activities organised by Whiz

Limited, who shall be selected at the sole discretion of the Company’s directors.

  1. The ‘Programme’ refers to the list of activities.
  2. A ‘Parent is any person who has the authorisation to sign the Application Form and the Parent Consent Form either because such Parent is the biological mother or father of the child and/ or because he or she has been duly charged with the care and custody of such child under the Laws of Malta.
  3. A ‘Student’ is any child who shall attend the activities organised.




  1. These Terms and Conditions reflect the custom and practice of Whiz Limited, a

Limited Liability Company, created with the objective of entering into the business of

entertainment for children and adults alike, by designing, organising, managing and

performing both indoor and outdoor activities.

  1. Whiz Limited is responsible for the daily running of the Company and for the

organisation of the Programme which Parents can apply for on behalf of a Student by

submitting the Application Form.

  1. The Company is directed towards the happiness, success, safety and welfare of each Student and the integrity of the community.
  2. These Terms and Conditions shall govern the relationship between the Parent and the student, and Whiz Limited, which is governed exclusively by Maltese Law,

and any dispute arising as a result of such relationship is to be referred to the Courts of Malta.




  1. In order to express their consent, Parents must fill in and read the application package, which will consist of:


  1. The Application Form, which will include the Parent Consent Form
  2. The Activities’ Curriculum
  3. The Application Form must be presented to Whiz Limited within the timeframe

stipulated in the Application Form together with the necessary payments.

  1. The Activities’ Curriculum will lay down a detailed list of events which will be held

during the Programme, subject to change according to circumstances.

  1. Applications which are not accompanied by the necessary payments or which are not handed in within the stipulated time-frame may be refused.
  2. Students’ attendance for the excursions/ activities included in the Programme is the responsibility of the Parents.
  3. The Company’s Programme is not a contractual document and can be changed from time to time according to circumstances.
  4. Whiz Limited, like any other company, may undergo a number of changes in

management and organisation from time to time.

  1. Before authorising their children to participate in the excursions/ activities included in the Programme organised by the Company, Parents shall read all the information related to the excursions/ activities, which may be found in the Activities’ Curriculum.
  2. The Organisers reserve the right to make some minor changes to the planned

excursions/ activities even after payment due has been made by Parents. In such cases the Parents must be notified in due time.




  1. The Parents must, as soon as possible, disclose to the Company in confidence, any

known medical condition, health problem or allergy affecting the Student, any history of a learning difficulty on the part of the Student, or any family circumstances or court

order which might affect the student’s welfare or happiness, or any concerns about the Student’s safety.

  1. All information handed in by the Parents about the Students is subject to the rules of

confidentiality and Data Protection in accordance with the Laws of Malta.

  1. Parents may nevertheless authorise the Organisers to override their own and a Student’s right of confidentiality (insofar as they are entitled), and to impart confidential information on a “need-to-know” basis where necessary to safeguard or promote a Student’s welfare or to avert a perceived risk of serious harm to the Student or to another person attending the excursions/ activities.
  2. All data handed in by the Parents about the Students should be correct and up to date. In the eventuality that it results that the provided data is incorrect and/or not up to date, you as parent/guardian, will be bound to shoulder all responsibility for any ensuing circumstances due to the same incorrectness and/or inaccuracy. Service may be terminated.
  3. 5. With the exception of communication regarding cancellation, any communication made by the parents with the Organisers will be treated as done on behalf of the Student.
  4. In the case of a Student with a statement of needs, parents may be requested to submit a copy of the Statementing Report, the Psychological Report, and the Individual Education Programme (IEP), to Whiz Limited. Failure to present such information may result in immediate termination of service without refund.
  5. 7. It is a custom and practice of the Company to include some photographs or images of Students in the Company’s promotional material such as the Programme. The Company, however, will not disclose the name or home address of a Student without the parents’
  6. 8. Parents who do not want such photographs or images of their child to appear in any of the Company’s promotional material must refrain from signing the


application or by the Company at any time.

  1. 9. The ratio of adults to Students during the excursions/ activities will be that required by law at the time of the Programme, as this requirement may change from time to time as per the Laws of Malta.
  2. 10. Whenever a Student requires the assistance of a Learning Support Assistant, it is the responsibility of the Parent to provide such assistant.
  3. 11. Nevertheless, the presence of a Learning Support Assistance does not, in any manner whatsover, diminish or reduce the responsibility of the Organisers or of the adults assisting the Students during the excursions/ activities.
  4. 12. The Parents consent to the Student travelling by any form of public transport and/or in a motor vehicle driven by a responsible adult who is duly authorised and insured to drive a vehicle of that type.
  5. 13. Students are responsible for the security and safe use of all their personal property

including but not limited to money, mobile phones, mp3 players, watches, computers,

calculators, musical instrument, and sports equipment, and for property lent to them by the Company.

  1. 14. Unless negligent or guilty of some other wrongdoing causing injury, loss or damage, the Company does not accept responsibility for accidental injury or other loss caused to the Student or Parents or for loss or damage to property.
  2. 15. Parents give their consent to such physical contact as may be in line with good practice, be appropriate and proper for teaching and instruction and for providing comfort to a Student or maintain safety and good order, in relation with the Student’s health and




  1. Parents that authorise the Student to attend any excursion/ activity included in the

Programme may freely cancel their booking.

  1. Any cancellation must be done in writing by sending a letter in writing to the stipulated address laid down in the application form. This must be done at least two weeks prior to the first day of the first excursion/activity of the Programme.
  2. Parents that cancel their activity in the manner laid down in (2.) will be refunded the

price of the application paid.

  1. Any cancellation done within two weeks of the first excursion/ activity of the Programme must be accompanied by a valid reason for cancellation.
  2. The Organisers have the full liberty not to refund the price paid when cancellation is

made down in the manner laid down in (4.).

  1. Where the reason for cancellation is that of sickness and such application is made within two weeks of the first excursion/ activity of the Programme or when the Programme is ongoing, this must be accompanied by a medical doctor’s certificate. Nevertheless, the Organisers still have the discretion not to accept to refund the price paid upon application.
  2. All excursions/activities forming part of the Programme may be postponed. Thus, where an event was planned to be held on a particular day but for various reasons including but not limited to bad weather, strikes or labour disputes, casualty, or any other unforeseeable circumstances, such event cannot take place on that particular day, then that event shall take place on another day.
  3. The amount of excursions/activities laid down in the Programme must all take place and the Organisers have no right to cancel any activity without replacing it with another activity. Thus the number of excursions/ activities laid down in the Programme must be the same amount of excursions/ activities which take place.
  4. Where a Student chooses not to attend a particular excursion/ activity laid down in the Programme, s/he may not be refunded part of the total price paid.
  5. Unless a valid reason is put forward, Parents may not withdraw their application and be refunded.
  6. The point laid down in (10.) applies even in those circumstances where the Student does not attend the majority of the excursions/ activities.




  1. Parents will be asked to complete a form containing a medical declaration concerning the Student’s health and must undertake to inform the Company if the Student develops any medical condition, health problem or allergy or will be unable to take part in games or sporting activities, or has been in contact with infectious diseases.
  2. The Company may at any time require a medical opinion or certificate as to the

Student’s general health where it considers is necessary as a matter of professional

judgement in the interests of the Student and/ or the Company.

  1. The Parents authorise the Company to consent on their behalf to the Student’s receiving emergency medical treatment at Malta’s government run hospital Mater Dei where certified by an appropriately qualified person necessary for the Student’s welfare and if the Parents cannot be contacted in time.




  1. The Company attaches importance to courtesy, integrity, good manners, good discipline, and respect for the needs of others. Parents warrant that the Students will take a full part in the activities, will be punctual, will work hard and will be well-behaved and will comply with the rules.
  2. The Company is not liable for any damage which the Students may do to property

belonging to third parties.

  1. Except as required by Maltese law, the Company shall not be required to divulge to

Parents or other any confidential information or the identities of the Students.

  1. The Company operates a zero tolerance policy on the misuse or possession of drugs and illegal substances.
  2. Students found to be in possession of drugs and/ or illegal substances may be prohibited from attending any future excursions/ activities organised by the Company. In such circumstance, any price of future excursions/ activities paid by the Parents to the Company will not be refunded.


Transport – Service Provider


Routes are sorted according to the respective localities in a way to prevent long trips, before and after Events. Each route will reflect the group your child is placed in.

For friends and siblings to be together during the Event, student must be commuting in the same van. In this scenario, if your child has friends/siblings attending Whiz summer camp and wish to be in the same group, please contact the service provider in advance so that one avoids any disappointments.

Where possible Transport Service is provided on a door-to-door basis. Factors that may hinder the service are narrow allies, rural areas, and outskirts such as e.g. Wied is Sewda(Zebbug), Bahrija and Imtahleb (Rabat), Armier (Mellieha), etc. If you live in an area such as the ones mentioned above, please contact Transport service provider.

Please inform the service provider if the address listed in the application will not match the pick-up and drop off location. Drop off and pick-up location should be the same or at least in the same locality as naturally this will hinder the objective of keeping the routes as short as possible. For any clarification, please contact the service provider.

Drivers will contact you a week (approximately) prior to commencing this year’s Whiz Summer Academy and provide the time of pick up. Please adhere to the time provided to avoid any delays. A 3-minute waiting time is to be respected by the driver in which he is to make at least one call to the parent/guardian. Kindly take into consideration that the time provided might differ once the route settles down according to the daily traffic.

Please encourage your child to remain seated during the duration of the trip and that the wearing of a seatbelt is a must. Any behavioural misconduct will be communicated to you by the driver or Whiz Team members. Persistent behavioural issues and bullying will not be tolerated and exclusion from transport service may be considered and in certain cases might not include a refund.



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